Improving the customer experience
Banco Santander Argentina needed to streamline customer experience processes in its more than 400 branches, digital offices and Work Cafés. This was the challenge that Dex Manager faced to improve service to more than 3,900,000 Banco Santander Argentina customers.

Dex Manager managed to make the “Branch of the Future” concept a reality, combining innovation with efficient use of space. Generating a new communication concept, customer experience processes were digitally transformed, both at the head office and in branches, Work Cafés and coworking spaces.
Outstanding results
Dex Manager managed more than 1,500 Samsung Tizen screens with integrated media players (which do not require an external PC), managing all the interactive digital signage in the coworking spaces and adding integrated Menu Boards to the point of sale. With this, Dex Manager optimized communication in all branches and in the new Torre Banco Santander Building.
Communication in branches

Superclub Centers

Work Café

Corporate Building

Control and Operations Center