Manage your network of screens easily and instantly
Dex Manager is the digital signage platform that improves communication with your clients and collaborators.
A solution for every need
Highlighted Features

Instant communication
About products, promotions and everything you need to communicate.

Segmentation of information
By time, date and location.

Works with all screens
Supports mobile devices, tablets, computers and large-format LED screens for public roads.

A secure and scalable solution
Microsoft Azure enables you to scale from a small office to a global network with thousands of screens.

Easy to use
Manage all your screens from anywhere with a browser.

With the main platforms and technologies available.
It works in the cloud

The content is uploaded to a central server from where it is distributed to all the screens that store it locally..
With Dex Manager your message always gets through.
Some of our clients
- Coca Cola
- Samsung
- Adidas
- Burger King
- Santander
- Estée Lauder
- Western Union
- Nestlé
- Mondelez
- Starbucks
- Telecom